The Technics

"My goal is to guide each person to discover who he is beyond appearances and beliefs :sharpen
his perception, recognize his Essence,the deep being that he is.
Permitting him to know why he is here leads him to accept the invisible and to remember who he really is. It is to finally leave the drama of his life and to make new choices in consciousness, freedom, creativity and joy."
Adamael van Singer

With the help of the technic of "Awakening by the Body", we create a connection with the different
aspects of ourselves : body consciousness,personality,aura, soul and Being.
To love oneself, to integrate the listening of our inner voice allows us to know ourselves better and to learn to discern what intimately belongs to us from what doesn't belong to us at all.

You will thus integrate all the aspects of yourself.

I will bring you back to your deep inner feelings by using words, my hands or by conscious breathing, as well as other simple exercises of deprogramming, such as "AWAKEING WITH THE HELP OF TRIANGLES",PSYCH-K™ TM, DNA, and EFT™


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