The Essence

Your Essence is the aspect of yourself that I could also call your inner Being, sacred Beeing

Your inner Being is vibration, it is multidimensional and it is grand in its magnificence.

The Essence that you are has chosen at a given moment its experiences, its voyages,its
expression here on the Earth, all that in order to learn to know itself as a sacred Being with
its unique vibratory signature.

To do that the innerBeing/Essence adorns itself with several things :

In order to mainfest itself in this world,it choose to take the attire of : the soul - energetic
bodies(the aura) - the physical body.

This attire, this structure is infused with the special features of the Inner Being, with its unique
and specific vibration, recognizable by the "Whole".
Your Essence carries the memory of the "Whole" and the memory of Self-Love.

Your Essence would never impose itself on you, the personality that you are, but will wait
patiently that you " call upon it",in order to take its place in your every day reality.

Your Essence has many other attributes.

I invite you to experiment, for those living in the region, to come to the evenings "Essence".(You need to know some French)

For the persons living too far away , if you would like to experiment, we can very well do some
sessions by Skype.

Some Groupe Sessions

If you know enough French you have the possibility to integrate a groupe for experiencing; in Lonay (Monday), in La Tour -de - Peilz (Monday) or in
Poliez-Pittet (Wednesday)


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